icb missions - International Church of Barcelona
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“Go into all the world.” He said it, we do it.

Missions is our passion at ICB.

We give approximately 10% of our annual budget to ministries and projects around the world.  These are people and works that we know, that we trust, and that we believe in.  Get to know them and you’ll see why! Here are 3 ways you can get involved with missions at ICB:

Get Involved


Prayer is the most important element of partnership!  Print out our ICB missions prayer guide & make it a priority!


It takes all of us working together to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.  Consider a one time or monthly gift!


Consider going to help on a short-term trip.  Contact (icbmissions@gmail.com) for more info!


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Angela Greenwood

click to learn more

Angela Greenwood

Jerez de la Frontera, Spain

Former ICB Team Member, Angela now serves this vibrant international community in the south of Spain through leading worship, youth, bible studies, prayer and more! She is also the Spanish representative for the European Worship Institute.
Don and Judy Day

Don & Judy Day

click to learn more

Don & Judy Day

Valencia, Spain

Evangelism & Care Ministry

Founders of ICB & Esperanza Nueva

Setting up a fellowship & food

program for homeless & families in need

Have the vision to spread the

Gospel in the villages in Spain

Nuevos Pasos 2

Bell Family

Peru & Bolivia
click to learn more

Bel Family

Peru & Bolivia

Care Ministry

Founders of “Nuevos Pasos” serving

children & families at risk through

education, food programmes, children

homes & abuse prevention programmes.



Daniels Family

click to learn more

Dubby & Joan Daniels

Nigeria, Tanzania, & Kenya

Evangelism, Care, & Church Planting

ICB Members, Lead “Nineveh Project,”

provide pastoral training, health & child

care, HIV awareness, outreach, & more


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Graham Family

click to learn more

Alan & Dorothy Graham


Care Ministry

Lead “Zimbabwe Orphan Care,”

a charity running a children’s home,

a feeding programme and building

classrooms in a number of schools

for vulnerable children.


Global Partners

Serving in sensitive areas
click to learn more

There are many friends of ICB that due to their locations and specific situations must remain unnamed.  They need our help and prayers in a big way!  PLEASE PRAY FOR THESE FRIENDS!

New Gathering Times

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