What To Expect - International Church of Barcelona
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What To Expect


A friendly, life-giving environment

You’ll be greeted at the door, and invited to have a coffee or juice at our Welcome Area. You’ll be shown where the sanctuary and bathrooms are, and where to check in your kids. 

A taste of heaven

On any Sunday, we have 50+ nationalities represented at ICB. Diversity is one of our greatest strengths. We believe multi-cultural isn’t just an idea, it’s our reality. All gatherings are in English, however we provide headphone translation for anyone who prefers to listen to the message in Spanish.


A place for anyone and everyone

You can come in a gala dress (please don’t) or shorts and a t-shirt. You can smell like the Corte Ingles or like the street. There will be a place for you, and you will be accepted for who you are.

A relevant message

Our weekly messages are biblically sound and applicable to daily life. We don’t “do church” on Sundays. We strive to equip our community to BE the church every day. Our Sunday gathering is not an idol – it’s our means of worshiping God together, learning from His word, and connecting with one another.

click for sermons
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Your time to be respected

We start shortly after 9:30, 11:00, 12:30, and 18:00, and all gatherings last between 1.25-1.5 hours. We value and emphasize fellowship and community when we meet together. So you will have plenty of time to enjoy your Sunday afternoon together.

Prayer and Fasting

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