25 Aug Romans Recap: The Gospel in Action (Intro)
Hello ICB Family!
This spring was our first time teaching straight through the book of Romans, and what a journey it was! Romans is wild, and no wonder it is considered Paul’s masterpiece. It is full of doctrine, theology, encouragement, correction, and application. We’ve heard countless stories of how God spoke to you through this series, and how He is using you to reach others who don’t yet know Him – YESSSS!
Over the next few weeks we’ll be recapping the highlights of the series, but here’s a quick overview of the big themes that were taught over those 19 weeks:
1- SIN (Romans 1-3:20)
2- SALVATION (Romans 3:21-5:20)
4- SERVICE (Romans 12-16)
Before we dive into each theme, let’s talk for a minute about our author – Paul.
Paul was born in Greek Tarsus and educated there, was hard-core Jewish by race, and had the golden ticket of his day- Roman citizenship! This was a powerful trifecta that opened SO many doors for him- and we said that “God prepares and equips us for the ministry He is going to give us”! Long before Paul’s conversion he was being prepared and equipped for the ministry he would have. And so are we!
That crazy family you come from, those odd skills you acquired along the way, that passion for ______ that you’ve always had…it’s all part of it! God has been preparing and equipping you to love others more and better! To understand, to relate, to serve, to bless. None of it’s wasted, not even the ugly parts. Ironically, those seem to be what He uses most.
Paul had some ugly parts in his story. Just read Acts 7-9 to remember that our dear Paul wasn’t always so saintly! Hateful & murderous Saul had a true encounter with Jesus, and everything changed! He was then commissioned by God to share the very message he had hated with the very people he had hated! So be encouraged, if an encounter with Jesus can turn homicidal Saul into the Apostle Paul, we said that “no one is beyond God’s ability to touch & transform”!
In our next post we’ll dig into each topic, but for today be encouraged: No matter how far from Jesus that they may seem, that sibling, spouse, co-worker or even terrorist isn’t beyond God’s ability reach.
We love you and we’re praying for you this week!
Pastor John & Brandi
RELATED: Check out part 2 of this series…SIN!
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