Romans Recap: Salvation - International Church of Barcelona
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Romans Recap: Salvation


In our last post, we talked about the human problem of sin and our need for a divine solution. 

Check out that post here – Romans Recap: Sin

Chapters 3:21-5 are the turning point from the sinfulness of man to the Good News of…


This is considered one of the most crucial portions of scripture in the entire Bible!

We were so moved with gratitude for the cross of Jesus Christ. These 3 big words from chapter 3 became so real to us:

Justification: we have been made clean, as though we had never sinned. Completely absolved of guilt and made righteous, as though we had NEVER sinned.

Redemption: a term used in reference to slavery, when the debt that the slave could not pay for themselves was paid, they were ransomed, and finally RELEASED

Atonement: takes us back to Leviticus where the high priest would present a perfect sacrifice to cover sins of the people. Jesus Christ became our high priest before the Holy God, once & for all spilling his precious blood as a perfect sacrifice, he became our substitute, our sin

From there, chapter 4 is a full-on illustration of justification by FAITH. Father Abraham not only had many sons, but we can REALLY learn from his story and how he persevered, even against all hope!

We’ve heard dozens of comments and emails about this section of the series:

“I’ve never really known the importance of the cross”, “When we sing about being redeemed or about the blood of Jesus, now I know what we’re talking about!” and “I’m facing the facts of my situation, but my faith is growing!”

We would love for you to listen or re-listen to these messages. You won’t regret it!


This theme of Salvation wrapped up in chapter 5 with the peace and hope that God gives, even during suffering. We were reminded that at just the right time Jesus came and died for the ungodly. And at just the right time he intervenes in our lives too, even in our most hopeless situations.

Our challenge was not to run from suffering, but to allow God’s purposes in our lives! He is building perseverance, he’s growing our character, and all of this produces HOPE!

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